I hired someone because…of my gut feeling. 

Sometimes no resume, no portfolio, and no prior work experience can tell you about a candidate what one eye contact can. 

And when you have a real one-on-one conversation with a person to learn about them, you will find the right candidate. 

So, it was the year 2013, I joined a company after completing my graduation in IT engineering. 

Sixth months into my first job, I became acquainted with a person and straightaway I asked him to come and join me when I start my own company. Starting my own company was my first dream. It was on top of my list. 

I met this to-be-.Net developer with a common friend.

‘To-be’ because he already had a job, but he wanted to switch to the IT industry. 

Fast forward a month later, and I ticked my first dream. 

Although I had just started my company, I promised to match his previous salary.

A few weeks later he fell poorly sick and eventually got admitted to a hospital. 

I was working on a project at the time, so I hastened my process and finished the project early.

I took the amount I received and went straight to the hospital. 

His medical expenses were handled, thanks to the payment I received. 

And both of us became more valuable in each other’s eyes.

So, this is how I hired my first employee at Dream Steps. 

A very simple incident, yet the reason why it is still fresh in my mind is because of what it taught me. 

That day I learned that sometimes you need to listen to your heart while making a decision. 

Decisions based on intuitions will only add more confidence to you if you get them right. And even if you get them wrong, you won’t be disappointed with yourself. You won’t put the blame on anyone else. 

And that’s how you learn to trust people and then they pay back that trust with loyalty. 

The kind of loyalty that no money can buy. 

What are the qualities you look for while hiring?

Share in the comments below.

Vikas Upadhyay

Vikas Upadhyay

Some things in life make you stumble. And others? They make you humble. Some things in life make you stumble. And others? They make you humble. Trust of my family, friends and colleagues: which has promised them a future full of opportunities for growth and a work culture they can call their home. But how did I win it? By Self-Belief. Read More...

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